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 A little about me...

My name is Jackie. I was born and raised in beautiful Colorado and that's where I chose to raise my family.  We actually have family history in Colorado that goes back over 100 years.

With my crystal jewelry I hope to put my positive stamp on the Earth by helping to raise everyone's vibration. My hope is that when you connect with your crystals they will then help to raise your good vibes. In turn, your higher vibes will be felt by everyone around you and they will receive them as well. Like a ripple effect, we can spread our vibrations far.

It has been a dream of mine for a long time to be able to sell my jewelry but it's always been a 'timing thing'. I finally thought, "If not now, then when?". By having this platform to sell my creations, I hope to also inspire you to follow your dreams. 

Thank you for visiting my site and supporting my small business. Don't forget to sign up for emails so you don't miss when I add new product. It's just me and I only make a few at a time. If you have your own business let me know so I can help support you as well.



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